DATE: 18.04.2012
author: tioblooder
heartbeat symbol bbm
List of BBM Extra Symbols BlackBerryEmpire.comCollection of cool computer text symbols. All facebook symbols. ♥ My large hand-made list of more than a hundred cool characters. Truly amazing! ヅ ツ ッ
How to insert symbols into your BlackBerry Messenger name | BBGeeks
More BBM icons - Smartphones: PinStack.comIf you are new here, you may want to subscribe to my feed or subscribe to us on Twitter! We’ve received questions on Twitter relating to BBM symbols for a while now. Return to BlackBerry Tips - How-To's - FAQ. "Instantly Unlock Your BlackBerry Device Here Shop BlackBerry at http://shop." · "Wow, that is extremely thourough.
Loads of New BBM Emoticons Found in Hiding |
BB Dots and other cool symbols for Blackberry Messanger.Check out the cool hidden BBM emoticons in the CrackBerry forums >>. send me the new symbols, just got my 9700 and I had this one cool symbol that looked like a heartbeat.
All text symbols for Facebook ϡ - fsymbolsI need to also drop some credit to Clevebb for helping with my master list of symbols. P.S. Clevel check BBM I found about 10 more that work in BBM. I was asked via PM how to copy and paste these to use in BBM so I thought I would. the black heart I typed "blkhrt" then in the "With" field Menu/Paste and the symbol.
heartbeat symbol bbm Loads of New BBM Emoticons Found in Hiding |
Loads of New BBM Emoticons Found in Hiding |
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Loads of New BBM Emoticons Found in Hiding |
Facebook Text Symbols |
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